Our Services
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction
Tooth extraction, root removal
Tooth extraction – with local anesthesia, the gums are separated and then the tooth is removed with a clamp. They then make sure that the maxillary cavity is kept closed and then the patient bite a folded gauze leaf to aplly pressure to the wound. Before the patient leaves, it is checked whether the wound is still bleeding. After tooth extraction, with some basic instructions, the procedure is completely pain and risk free.
- Tooth decay does not spread to other teeth
- Pain disappears.
Who is it recommended for?
- Whose teeth can no longer be rescued by any procedure.
Tooth removal by exploration
After local anesthesia, the gums are removed from the bone and then drilled to expose the tooth, the root, and remove them. The wound edges are secured with sutures, which are then removed a week later.
- Tooth decay does not spread to other teeth
- Pain disappears.
Who is it recommended for?
- Whose teeth can no longer be rescued by any procedure
- Whose teeth cannot be removed with pliers or hoists
- Whose tooth still in the jaw, cause the rest of the teeth’s congestion, making it more difficult to keep them clean and have aesthetic deterioration
Root apex resectio
An x-ray is taken, and if the doctor recommends surgery, they will treat all the inflammation in the mouth. During surgery, the root of the patient’s tooth is exposed and the apex of the root is excised obliquely. In the end, the wound get closed. This will ultimately save an infected tooth, avoiding tooth extraction and residual tooth deficiency.
- Bacteria cannot colonize again, thus preventing inflammation of the gums.
- We rescue a tooth that would be otherwise extracted
Who is it recommended for?
- Who has inflammatory tissue at the root apex
- Who has pain because of it
- Whose tooth can no longer be saved with root canal treatment