
Our Services

Oral lesions

Oral lesions

Cyst surgery

Cysts are removed during surgery under anesthesia. After digestion, the cyst is completely removed to prevent it from recrudesce due to residual tissue.


  • Continuous growth does not push the roots of other teeth
  • The bones won’t damage
  • No risk of jaw fractures

Who is it recommended for?

  • Those with a cyst on the bone
  • Those with a cyst on the soft tissue.

Closing oral cavity

Opened oral cavity treated with local anesthesia. A flap is made by incising the gum and covering the opening with a membrane. In the end, it is attached to the mucosa. Stitching is done after 2 weeks, until you should not blow your nose, do hard physical work and suck a wound.


  • Food and drinks can not get into the nasal cavity
  • Bacterias can not enter the sinus
  • Prevent exuding inflammation.

Who is it recommended for?

  • Whose sinus and oral cavity are in contact after removal of the grinder.

Cancer Screening

In case of the swelling of the mucosa, a tissue sample is taken from the lesion and examined under a microscope. If the cancer is confirmed, follow-up examinations will follow to determine the size and stage of the tumor. Such examinations include dental x-rays, computed tomography and ultrasound.


  • if noticed in time, it is easier to treat.

Who is it recommended for?

  • who feels any change in the mouth with their tongue.
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