Our Services
Tooth replacement, Implantation
Tooth replacement, Implantation
What is tooth replacement?
Prosthetics, Implantation – Replacing a specific part of an existing tooth, replacing one or more tooth deficiencies, or restoring a complete tooth defect.
Missing tooth replacement is important because, as a result of overloading of existing teeth, gingiva and remaining teeth, the jaw joint suffers severe, irreversible damage over time. Depending on the number of teeth in the mouth, fixed (crown, bridge), removable (total or partial) or combined dentures can be made.
Aesthetic restoration covering the visible part of the tooth. In case of severe tooth decay or restoration of aesthetic disorders.
One of the most common ways to replace a missing tooth is to fix the prosthesis to the polished teeth.
Partial or complete plate prosthesis
If there are few teeth in the mouth, or if there is complete toothlessness, then the tooth deficiency is made this way.
Combined tooth replacement
An excellent alternative for end-of-row defects (if the back teeth are missing). The intersection of the fixed and removable parts is not noticeable and the denture is extremely fixed.
Our experienced doctors and an excellent laboratory background (dental technicians) in the same building as the clinic are waiting for you.
You will regain your confidence and your beautiful smile!
First, an x-ray of the patient’s teeth is made for accurate planning. During the surgery, we begin with local anesthesia, so the procedure is completely painless. During surgery, a bone hole is made, and the implant screw is then screwed in. At the end of the procedure, the gums are sutured.
One week after surgery, the sutures are removed and, if necessary, a temporary replacement is made to allow the patient to maintain the aesthetics of his or her teeth. It takes 3-4 months for the screw to ossifies. The porcelain crown is then inserted to replace the tooth and restore the patient’s entire tooth. This will give you back your confidence and cheer to smile again.
Nobel Biocare
- Aesthetically nice dentil
- Protecting other teeth from deformation and overload
- Prevents food residue from entering the gap, resulting in tooth decay or gum disease
- Restore the chewing function of our teeth
- It also restores phonetic problems that occur in many cases
Who is it recommended for?
- Those who desire a more beautiful dentil
- Those who want to save their teeth and gums from disease
- Those who want to immediately restore their teeth after tooth extraction
– Like nature. A nice smile is the key to self-confidence
Hagyományos műfogsor esetén sokak számára az önfeledt mosoly sajnos csupán álom. a fogbeültetés azonban több mint négy évtizede korszerű, elismert alternatívát kínál. A fogbeültetéshez használt implantátum egyfajta mesterséges foggyökér, és minden olyan páciens számára ideális, akinél a csontnövekedés megállt.
Mivel szilárdan be van ágyazva az állcsontba, ez a megoldás áll a természetes fogakhoz a legközelebb, a végeredmény pedig mind esztétikai, mind életminőségi szempontból azonos, mint a saját fogak esetén – mindegy, hogy eszik, nevet vagy beszélget.
Az öregedést sajnos nem tudjuk megállítani, fogászával együtt viszont olyan személyre szabott és megbízható fogbeültetési megoldást találhatunk, amely garantáltan javítja majd életminőségét.
What is an implant?
A fogászati implantátum a hiányzó fog gyökerének pótlásához használt csavar. Ha a fogat úgy képzeljük el, mint egy fát, akkor az implantátum alkotja a fa gyökerét. Az állcsontba csavarozott és ahhoz szilárdan rögzülő implantátum stabil alapot képez a korona felhelyezéséhez. Az implantátum egy vagy több hiányzó fog pótlására is alkalmas.
Az implantátumba egy úgynevezett fejet csavarozna, és erre kerül a korona vagy a híd. A fahasonlatnál maradva a fej a fa koronájának felel meg.
What are the biggest benefits of dental implants?
The implant counteracts the loss of bone. Because of its specific properties, it is absorbed into the body, stimulating and, in the long term, ensuring the function of the jaw. Conventional bridges, on the other hand, do not stimulate bone function, which results in bone loss.
Therefore, it is advisable to perform tooth implantation as soon as possible after losing the tooth. In many cases, the implant can be inserted immediately after tooth extraction.
What is a SKY implant?
A SKY a bredent medical védjegye. A SKY-implantátumok speciális szerkezetüknél és felszínüknél fogva problémamentes és kíméletes fogbeültetést tesznek lehetővé.
Az implantátum behelyezését követően a környező csontszövet körbenövi az implantátum felszínét, és a kettő között oldhatatlan kötés jön létre. Ezt a folyamatot nevezzük osszeointegrációnak. Osszeointegráció hiányában az implantátum kilazul, és a fogbeültetés nem jár sikerrel.
A SKY-implantátumok speciális felszíne gyors és erős osszeointegrációt tesz lehetővé, így a hagyományos implantátumokhoz képest stabilabb és biztonságosabb megoldást kínál.
The implant and the structure are usually made of titanium. This material is particularly easily absorbed by the body, titanium is non-allergenic and due to its surface properties it is rapidly ossified into bone tissue
How is implantation done?
The procedure of dental implantation is almost always the same, with minor differences depending on the following options:
- Replacing a single tooth
- Any remaining teeth that are not worth saving
- Fixing denture
Treatment process:
- Preliminary examination
- The dentist or dental surgeon will make a preliminary CT scan. Imaging is necessary to assess potential risks and to place the implant in the correct location and to allow for aesthetic restoration
- Inserting the implant
- If the picture shows that all is well, then dental implantation may follow. In the place of the missing tooth, a small incision is made in the gum and a hole is now drilled into the bone, which is now easily accessible, and the implant is screwed into it.
- Temporary restoration
- Once the implant is in place, it is fastened with a retaining screw, folds the gum back, and then the wound is sewed together. The implant is thus properly ossified into bone tissue, which gives the implant strength and stability. If the bone is sufficiently stable, the crown can be placed immediately after implant placement. In this case, a plastic head is attached to the implant and a temporary crown is placed on it. Due to its special elasticity, the plastic head protects the implant during the healing period.
- Final crown
- After about 2 to 3 months, the temporary crown will be removed and the permanent will get placed. To do this, the gum is reopened in a small place and a head is attached to the implant. If the crown is worn immediately after implant placement, the existing head do not need to be replaced. The tooth print will look the same as a natural tooth.
Ideal solution:
- Replace a single missing tooth
- In case of complete tooth deficiency
- For fixing dentures