
Our Services

3D Digital Impression

3D Digital Impression

No more gag reflex during impression taking!

The essence of digital impression is that, instead of using traditional impression materials and trays, it is done with an intraoral scanner. A digitized copy of the dental arch appears instantly on the monitor right in front of the patient's eyes.


  • Replaces the use of impression materials.
  • State-of-the-art sampling technique, enabling direct digital design.
  • No unpleasant gag reflex or nausea.
  • Digitally captures the precise position of the teeth with a camera, and the result is immediately visible in 3D on the monitor.
  • More precise and detailed, allowing for much more accurate dental restorations.
  • Dynamic bite adjustment, with multiple bite positions possible.
  • Easy to correct, avoiding the need for repeat impressions.
  • The scanner-generated file is immediately available for dental technicians to begin the design process.
  • Recommended even for a healthy, intact dentition; in case of accidents or tooth loss, an exact replica of the original tooth can be created.


  • Our dentist or dental hygienist guides the intraoral camera along the line of teeth. The scanner continuously takes photos of the positions of the teeth, which the software combines into a detailed image. This image gradually becomes visible on the monitor, first showing the individual teeth and then the entire dental arch.
  • Based on the digital impression, our dental technicians create the dental restoration."
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